Empires Player Guide
Table of contents:
Research Appendix

- Time: 60
- Description: Physics allows access to plasma weaponry, a fission reactor based vehicle engine, and nuclear weaponry.
Superheated Material Physics- Time: 60
- Description: Study the properties of matter as it is heated to plasma like levels.
- (Items In Category: Plasma Cannon, Plasma MG)
Plasma Cannon Projectile- Time: 60
- Description: Utilize the knowledge gained from superheated material physics to develop a projectile that is superheated before leaving the barrel. This projectile is designed to impact a vehicle's armor and transfer a large amount of heat into the vehicle as well as breaking down the armor's structure and weakening it.
- (Technology: Vehicle Cannon)
Plasma Bullet Projectile- Time: 60
- Description: Utilize the same design of the Plasma Cannon Projectile but in the smaller confines of a bullet projectile which will allow heat to be transferred into a target at a much higher rate.
- (Technology: Vehicle Machine Gun)
Projectile Physics- Time: 60
- Description: Study the properties of projectile interaction with materials and their subsequent detonation.
- (Items In Category: Reflective Armor, Extended Range Cannon, Heavy Caliber MG)
Reflective Armor- Time: 90
- Description: Utilize the knowledge gained from projectile physics to create armor that can deflect projectiles and their kinetic energy away from a vehicle, severly reducing its power.
- (Technology: Vehicle Armor)
Extended Range Cannon- Time: 60
- Description: Access manufacturing process for longer bore cannons with further range.
- (Technology: Vehicle Cannon)
Heavy Caliber Machine Gun- Time: 60
- Description: Access manufacturing process for larger barrels and ammunition for conventional machine guns.
- (Technology: Vehicle Machine Gun)
Nuclear Fission- Time: 60
- Description: Gain access to the most basic methods of harnessing the power of the atom.
- (Items In Category: Vehicle Fission Reactor, HIT Warhead)
Fission Reactor- Time: 60
- Description: Gain access to a small experimental reactor coupled with a steam based drive system for use as a vehicle engine with excellent horsepower but excessive waste heat.
- (Technology: Vehicle Engine)
HIT Warhead- Time: 180
- Description: Gain access to the High-Impulse Thermobaric warhead. This weapon utilizes a High-Impulse Thermobaric warhead to deliver an intense pressure wave to its target, resulting in a more powerful explosion than is possible via conventional means. It is highly effective against both mobile and stationary targets.
- (Technology: Vehicle Missile Launcher)

- Time: 60
- Description: Chemistry allows access to improved cannon shells, explosive bullets, a powerful missile warhead, absorbant armor, and a vehicle engine with advanced cooling properties.
Improved Flagration Compounds- Time: 60
- Description: Increases the power of bullets by increasing the stored energy of a bullet's propellant chemical compound.
- (Items In Category: Explosive Tipped Bullets)
Explosive Tipped Bullets- Time: 30
- Description: Engineer a machine gun with explosive bullets able to damage armor and infantry with a small blast area.
- (Technology: Vehicle Machine Gun)
Improved Detonation Compounds- Time: 90
- Description: Increases power of small explosives such as grenades and cannon shells.
- (Items In Category: Upgraded Grenades, High Explosive Cannon Shells)
Upgraded Grenades- Time: 20
- Description: Improves the explosive power of vehicle grenades and extends their range.
- (Technology: Vehicle Grenade Launcher)
Explosive Shells- Time: 60
- Description: Engineer a cannon shell that uses its kinetic energy to penetrate a target and then exploding to inflict even more damage over a large radius.
- (Technology: Vehicle HE Cannon)
Improved Warhead Compounds- Time: 90
- Description: Increases power of large explosives found in warheads.
- (Items In Category: Upgraded Missile Warhead)
Upgraded Missile Warhead- Time: 30
- Description: Upgrade the standard warhead found on missiles for more damage.
- (Technology: Vehicle Missile Launcher)
Improved Heat Transfer Fluids- Time: 60
- Description: Develop fluids with excellent heat transfer properties to be integrated into a standard engine.
- (Items In Category: Advanced Coolant Engine)
Advanced Coolant Engine- Time: 90
- Description: Engineer an engine with standard horsepower but with the ability to cool components better than any other proposed engine design.
- (Technology: Vehicle Engine)
Absorbant Armor- Time: 90
- Description: Engineer armor that is able to absorb a projectile's kinetic energy and reduce damage better as a projectile increases in speed.
- (Technology: Vehicle Armor)

Mechanical Engineering
- Time: 60
- Description: Mechanical Engineering gives access to upgraded chassis types , composite armor, and gas turbine engine.
Upgraded Chassis- Time: 60
- Description: Gain newer vehicle chassis types.
- (Items In Category: Artillery Tank Chassis, Medium Tank Chassis, Heavy Tank Chassis)
Medium Tank Chassis- Time: 90
- Description: Gain access to the medium tank chassis.
- (Technology: Vehicle Chassis)
Artillery Tank Chassis- Time: 120
- Description: Gain access to the artillery tank chassis.
- (Technology: Vehicle Chassis)
Advanced Chassis- Time: 120
- Description: Research the required chassis improvements for the Heavy Tank.
- (Items In Category: Heavy Tank Chassis)
Heavy Tank Chassis- Time: 120
- Description: Gain access to the heavy tank chassis.
- (Technology: Vehicle Chassis)
Advanced Machining- Time: 60
- Description: Gain access to an improved armor material and a more powerful engine design.
- (Items In Category: Composite Armor)
Composite Armor- Time: 90
- Description: Access manufacturing process for armor developed of multiple layers of differing materials designed to break up a projectile and absorb its kinetic energy before penetrating all the way through the armor.
- (Technology: Vehicle Armor)
Gas Turbine Engine- Time: 120
- Description: Access manufacturing process for the gas turbine engine which is able to create a large amount of horsepower without suffering from any significant flaws.
- (Technology: Vehicle Engine)

Electrical Engineering
- Time: 60
- Description: Electrical Engineering leads to improvements in electrical and computer systems leading to new technology such as the rail gun, electric motor, reactive armor, improved homing/guided missiles, and turret upgrades.
Advanced Magnet Research- Time: 90
- Description: Study the properties of permanent and electro magnets for developments in engine and weapon design.
- (Items In Category: Rail Gun, 3 Phase Electric Motor)
Rail Gun- Time: 60
- Description: Gain access to a cannon able to propel a projectile using a series of electromagnets at incredible speeds.
- (Technology: Vehicle Cannon)
3 Phase Electric Motor- Time: 30
- Description: Gain access to an electric motor with advanced acceleration but an inability to function with excessive damage and heat.
- (Technology: Vehicle Engine)
Reactive Armor- Time: 120
- Description: Gain access to reactive armor that uses electrically charged capacitors to vaporize a projectile upon contact.
- (Technology: Vehicle Armor)
Tracking Systems- Time: 60
- Description: Gain access to the tracking systems used in missiles.
- (Items In Category: Homing Missiles, Guided Missiles)
Homing Missiles- Time: 60
- Description: Gain access to advanced target tracking for missile applications. Provides access to homing missiles.
- (Technology: Vehicle Missile Launcher)
Guided Missiles- Time: 60
- Description: Gain access to electronic transmission components which allows for the remote guidance of a missile.
- (Technology: Vehicle Missile Launcher)
Upgraded Turrets Lvl 2- Time: 90
Description: Allows commander to place level 2
machine gun and missile turrets.
- (Items In Category: Upgraded Turrets Level 3) (Technology: Commander Turret Upgrade) Develop improved tracking systems for commander built turrets (turrets are built as level 2)
Upgraded Turrets Lvl 3-
Description: Description: Allows commander to
place level 3 machine gun and missile turrets.
- (Technology: Commander Turret Upgrade) Develop improved tracking systems for commander built turrets (turrets are built as level 3)

- Time: 60
- Description: Biology research leads to improvements such as regenerative armor, bio diesel engine, and biological weapons.
Regenerative Armor- Time: 150
- Description: Gain access to armor that is able to manufacture replacement material and restore areas that have been damaged or destroyed.
- (Technology: Vehicle Armor)
Bio Diesel Engine- Time: 60
- Description: Gain access to an engine design which is the most reliable, able to continue operating and avoiding a temporary shut down due to excessive heat or sudden damage.
- (Technology: Vehicle Engine)
Biological Weaponry- Time: 60
- Description: Engineer a harmful organism that is able to destroy human tissue as well as corrosively erode materials such as vehicle armor.
- (Items In Category: Biological Warhead, Biological Projectiles)
Biological Warhead- Time: 90
- Description: Utilize the engineered organism in a missile warhead which is able to deliver a large quanity of the organism to the target.
- (Technology: Vehicle Missile Launcher)
Biological Projectile- Time: 90
- Description: Utilize the engineered organism in a smaller bullet projectile which is able to deliver a small quanity of the organism to the target.
- (Technology: Vehicle Cannon)
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